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September 09, 2006



I am dealing with my 18 year old son and a break up, he is devestated and suicidal, I need this link to load...but it is broken :)

"Broken Heart: Dealing with feelings of loss and understanding grief [Article]

Hi Angela: Thanks so much for letting us know about the broken link. We have located the article elsewhere, stored a copy, and provided a functional link. Please let us know about any other problems or new resources that you discover.

amy beacome

Hi my name is Amy Beacome I am currently a student with Lethbridge college working towards an FASD cert. and I have an assignment I was hopeing you could help me out with?

I have to interveiw professionals who work with people living with FASD for school. I was hopeing you could help me out by anwsering some questions in a small interveiw. I will included the questions if it is possible for you to help out as I do know you a very busy . Thank you for your time- Amy

How much of your education was focused on FASD when they went to school? In your experience, has this amount changed? Why or why not?
What did you learn about FASD when they received their education?
Did you know enough about FASD when they started working with those affected by FASD? Why or why not?
What universal strategies do they feel would be most successful in their working environment? Why

[Amy -- I'm sorry, but you'll need to look elsewhere to survey professionals. This site is run by and for families affected by FASD. While my wife did work with teens with FASD in a group home about 20 years ago, neither of us are professionals in the field of FASD, nor did we learn about it in our education.

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A Key Service for Albertans

  • Family Support for Children with Disabilities

    This agency of the Alberta Government provides key services for families, focused on connecting families with necessary supports and providing funding for these supports.

    If you have a child affected by FASD (or any other disability), we highly recommend that you contact them!