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September 12, 2006

Scott Robertson School's Early Education Program [Edmonton and area]


The Early Education Program at Scott Robertson School offers a non-integrated class for pre-school children. The class has a focus on FASD and severe behaviours.  These classes are half-time (either mornings or afternoons).  The classroom is set up specifically to provide an ideal environment for children with FASD.  There are also other health professionals (O.T., P.T., etc.) available to work with the children.  Student-teacher ratio is low.

Contact Info:

Scott Robertson School - Early Education Program

13515 107 St. NW, Edmonton Alberta, T5E 4W3

Tel.  780 475-3565

Other Info:

Students must be eligible for Program Unit Funding (PUF). Parents can contact the school directly regarding the suitability of this program for their children.


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