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September 18, 2006


ObedRuby Ogbulie

I am taken FASD with lethbridge college online.
I found out that is site is going to be very useful to me in my new career. I was happy to find out that there are supports and resoures for families and children living with FASD, and this will help me to increase my awareness of the program.
I wish to learn and promote the awareness of FASD since that will go a long way to help families have a healthy babies to the society and the world in general.

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Services by Area

A Key Service for Albertans

  • Family Support for Children with Disabilities

    This agency of the Alberta Government provides key services for families, focused on connecting families with necessary supports and providing funding for these supports.

    If you have a child affected by FASD (or any other disability), we highly recommend that you contact them!