This page provides an overview of the various special needs programs offered by school boards in Edmonton. The majority of these programs are not FASD-specific, and they are listed here primarily for your convenience in understanding what is available. We have a separate posting about the best schooling options available in Edmonton for children with FASD.
The public and Catholic school boards generally focus on integration and inclusion. While in general this is a good policy, it does not work well for children with FASD, who need their own classrooms set up for their specific needs. The exceptions to this policy tend to be at the preschool level, where the public and Catholic boards both have early education programs for children with special needs. These are often directed toward special needs in general, with a few locations having classes for specific special needs (for example, Mayfield School has a class for autistic children; Scott Robertson has a class geared for children with FASD and related issues).
Edmonton Public School Board
"The district provides extensive special education programs including full integration in neighborhood schools, partial integration, specialized district centre programs and schools that serve only students with special needs. At the senior high level, all the schools serve special need students residing in their attendance areas."
Specific Programs:
Early Education
"The Early Education Program provides educational services within a school setting for children ages 2 1/2 to 5 1/2, with severe special needs. The program includes educational strategies to enhance cognition, self-help skills, social skills, motor development and speech and language skills."
"Children are eligible for the Early Education Programs if they have been formally diagnosed with a severe special need by a qualified professional. Children must be between the ages of 2 ½ and 5 ½ years of age on September 1st and must meet Alberta Education's criteria for Program Unit Funding."
Note: Early Education Programs will vary by school, in terms of their focus and how suitable they might be for children with FASD. Check out the program at Scott Robertson School for a great program!
Elementary, Junior and Senior High
The board offers three programs at a number of schools, for students with severe behaviour disorders and/or mild (to moderate, in some programs) delays in cognitive development. As is the case with most things in life, some of these programs are well-run and seem promising for the child with FASD, and some are not as suitable. It often depends on a particular school's teachers and principals. We provide links to the EPSB webpages for those who wish to look further into these programs:
Opportunity Program
Behaviour and Learning Assistance Program
Behaviour and Learning Assistance / Opportunity Program
If you wish to homeschool your child with FASD, the Edmonton Public School Board's Argyll Centre is very helpful.
Edmonton Catholic School District
"Edmonton Catholic Schools provides a variety of special education programming for students with special needs. This ensures the most enabling learning environment for the student. The model includes full inclusion, with support at the classroom/school level, specialized classes integrated in regular schools and out-of-district placements. Programming at the community school is considered as the first option."
ECSD Special Needs Program
Further information: Learning Support Services
ECSD runs an Early Learning Preschool Program (similar to EPSB's Early Education Program) in three of its schools.
Note: unless otherwise indicated, all items in quotation marks are from the respective school boards' websites.