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November 11, 2006


Wendy B.

My daughter is now in Grade 8 in St. Albert. Although the school is getting extra funding for her 'special need', she doesn't seem to be getting the extra help she is entitled to. The teachers at this level seem to be from the 'old school' and don't believe in modifying her program. I get frustrated with them, then with my daughter. When I bring up switching her to a special program, she balks the idea. She doesn't want to feel different from everyone else. Do I now wait until High School to see what options are there for us? Will it be too late then?

Darlene callioux

Where is there education or programs for FASD at the age of 21 years old?


[Hi Darlene: We do not know of any programs like that. Have you tried the local school board's adult education department? There are also some organizations which provide training for people with FASD, which may include upgrading one's education. Try the Employment / Vocational Training link and the Lifeskills link in the left-side menu.


I live on the southside of Edmonton and am raising my FASD grandson. Through Early Intervention Program I was able to find four easily accessible school sites (three part of Edmonton Public, one private - Elves). We toured and interviewed them all in January of this year and have decided on the private option as they appear to be the only site that honestly understood FASD and were set up appropriately.

[Hi Hali: Thanks for your comment. Two of our children took part in the Elves' Saturday respite program, and we found it to be exceptional!]

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A Key Service for Albertans

  • Family Support for Children with Disabilities

    This agency of the Alberta Government provides key services for families, focused on connecting families with necessary supports and providing funding for these supports.

    If you have a child affected by FASD (or any other disability), we highly recommend that you contact them!