"Family support services are available to families caring for a child with a diagnosed disability or to families who are awaiting confirmation of their child's diagnosis. These services are primarily based on the needs as identified by the family.
In addition to information, referral and advocacy supports, family support services also include assistance with counselling, extraordinary clothing and footwear costs, travel costs for medical appointments, meals while traveling to medical appointments, accommodation costs associated with attending medical appointments and respite services.
Child-focused services are provided when a child has a confirmed diagnosis and assessment information to specify their individual needs. Child-focused services provide a range of respite services, aide supports, child care supports, health-related supports, specialized services for children with severe disabilities and out-of-home living arrangements."
Contact Info:
Family Support for Children with Disabilities
#500 ING Building
10130 -103 St. NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N6
Tel. 780 427-4354
Provincial program: 780 427-2551 (toll-free 310-0000)
Child Disability Resource Link: province-wide # 1-866-346-4661 (weekdays 8 - 8, Saturdays 8 - 4)
Family Support for Children with Disabilities - website
Other Info:
This is a wonderful service of the Alberta Government. Thanks for helping us care for the ones we love!
Wow and kudos again to Alberta for leading the way with this. We look on from Ontario in awe and anger at what is not being done here.
Posted by: paula schuck | December 02, 2010 at 06:26 PM