"Building Success For Individuals With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD):
How To Design Programs and Supports That Work"
"This two day workshop will consider the possibility of the presence of a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the lifelong implications, while examining practical strategies and supports for working with individuals and families affected by FASD.
The information in the workshop will be especially pertinent to those working as a mentor or support person, family members, front line workers, government employees and professionals.
Keynote speaker is Dan Dubovsky, who has over 30 years of experience and expertise as a mental health and addictions professional and who is the father of a child with FASD."
February 19-20, 2007: La Ronge Motor Hotel, La Ronge, SK
La Ronge workshop form
March 19-20, 2007: Best Western Inn , Yorkton, SK
Yorkton workshop form
Contact Info:
FASD Support Network of Saskatchewan Inc.
Tel: (306) 975-0896 Fax: (306) 242-8007
E-mail: [email protected]