This 32-page booklet in PDF format provides numerous strategies "that parents have identified as helpful in raising their children living with FASD." The booklet is divided by age categories, ranging from Infants and Toddlers all the way to Young Adults and Adults. It was created by Czaee Rajwani, a nursing student at University of Toronto, as part of her placement at the FASD Clinic at St. Michael's Hospital.
Strategies Parents Find Helpful in Raising Their Children Living with FASD (PDF Format, 266 KB)
Note: this booklet is posted here as we are not aware of it being available elsewhere on the web. We have also seen an email from Dr. Stade at the FASD Clinic, saying "please distribute to whoever you want". If anyone with legal rights over the booklet objects to its posting at this site, please use the "Comments" feature to notify us. Be sure to include contact information so that we can follow up on your concern.