"This is a database of Canadian resources that have been authored, produced or published in Canada or that have Canadian content but have been published outside of Canada and are currently available to be ordered or purchased from the organization responsible. The subject areas from which documents are selected include prevention, intervention and identification of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and other perinatal substance exposures, such as illicit drugs and solvents. Resources related to prenatal exposure to tobacco are not included.
For the purposes of this database a resource has been identified very broadly and includes print and non-print materials. You will see a list of the 'Resource types' when you search the database." (from website)
The search page allows you to specify any of the following: Title, Author, Subject 1, Subject 2, Resource Type (for example, book, manual, DVD, poster), Province, Language, Intended Audience (for example, Families, Individuals with FASD, Health Professionals, Pregnant Women), or user keywords.
Access Info:
National Database of FASD (and substance abuse) During Pregnancy Resources