In June of 2004, a two day forum was held in Surrey, B.C. which discussed "the urgent need for action to proactively support adolescents and adults with FASD rather than reactively apply ineffective cost measures." The forum brought together "a large, geographically diverse group of birth, foster and adoptive parents, all who are professionally employed in different areas of society, and who have adult children with formally diagnosed FASD," to identify "what they believed to be the most relevant needs and issues facing adolescents and adults with FASD in today’s society."
Fighting for a Future includes the following chapters:
- Executive Summary
- Why is this important?
- What does it all mean?
- What now? Who? Why?
- Process
- Strategic Needs Analysis
- Homelessnes
- Finances
- Health / Mental Health
- Education / Programming / Employment
- Legal / Addictions
- Family Support
If you don't have time to read the entire 80 pages, then at least read the Executive Summary, Broad Recommendations and End Note (pages 8-10). This document was prepared by Jan Lutke, Senior FASD Consultant, and Tina Antrobus, FASD Consultant.