The Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society provides the following:
"Support and services to many families and individuals in the Foothills communities of southern Alberta. Ways that we address the FASD issue include:
Adult Support
Individual & Family Support
“Living Room” Support
Professional Consultation
Mom’s/Women’s Groups
Dad’s/Men’s Groups
Life Skills Program for youth & young adults"
"Community Response - initiatives, campaigns in the communities that surround Calgary promoting awareness of FASD."
"Professional Response - Workshops, in services, training sessions for any professional whose services would be enhanced by understanding FASD and best practices associated with supporting families and those affected by FASD.
Contact Info:
Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society
120 – 6th Avenue SW
High River, AB T1V 1A1
Phone: (403) 652-4776
Fax: (403) 652-1225