The University of Alberta, in collaboration with Alberta Health and The Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Reseach, is hosting a seminar entitled, Engaging Professionals and Students in FASD Awareness and Prevention. The seminar has been designed to be of interest to professionals and students (in the faculties of Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing, Law and Education) from across Canada.This seminar is CCCEP approved for three hours (3 credits). The course is also pending CACME accreditation approval along with several other professional associations. This program about FASD will provide an understanding of FASD and its effects across the lifespan for those working in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, nursing, education, counseling psychology, law, social work, occupational therapy, physiotherapy. This program will provide participants with the tools required to play an important role in the prevention of FASD and support of individuals with FASD. This multidisciplinary presentation will feature a pediatric neurologist specializing in FASD, a pharmacist/educator and an individual living with the consequences of FASD. Feel free to visit our website for more info or contact information.
Date: March 4, 2013
Time: 6 - 9 p.m. MST
Location: University of Alberta (specifics to be announced)
More Info:
Website: Conference webpage and registration
Note: this conference can be attended in person or viewed via a live webcast.